Friday, December 30, 2011

The walk

There comes a time in every recovery that you know you're about back to normal physically. For me it was today and came in a surprising way, I noticed for the first time in 10 Weeks I was walking faster then Medb. I started to giggle as I strode past her in a normal walk.... Almost no pain to hinder me.  It was an amazing feeling and made me want to cry with tears of happiness.

it's not the first change I'm noticing right now. Over the last few days I've started to get things back on track. I reloaded my iPod and set my music. I've restarted gaming and sitting more,.later today I'll begin to study for college a I prepare for my future. In a few days I'll go and swing and look at courses to improve myself. In 2012 I'll live and just find myself.

Self discovery is a hard task. You never know how you will turn out, but we all have the ability to change ourselves. We all have the power to be the best people we want to be. You just have to accept that you can shape your future and truly believe it. The first rule is simple ..... Stop being your own worst enemy.  Learn to love yourself and the rest of the world opens up.

For myself I have a lot to learn and some heavy Roads to travel. I know how to be self destructive, I know how to put up barriers and not allow myself happiness. That has to change now because in reality ...... I'm worth it.

Be Well

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