Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another day in the cage....

Ever have a day that you just can't get into. That was mine today with so many ups and downs... I want to kill the drama monster. From the first real customer I had today...*sorry chatr clients just don't cut it as customers* freaking out at the end of an activation, to Doolz freaking out about something he can never have. *really dude, there is a reason why they call it she's just not into you ! * Where do you find peace and quite... I mean really where do you.

I found mine tonight with medb planning our wedding and understanding there is a lot that goes into this. Something really I have never thought of up till the last little while. So much detail into making it perfect or in our case fun. Something that is special to us and we want others to truly enjoy and walk away feeling good. *Rache only 2 drinks for you*

I can see why girls spend the time planning this from very young, it is fun and I so do not want the drama monster involved or any Bridezilla cause with 2 brides that can get bad. :)  I go to bed with pleasant thoughts and dreams in my head... I know it will be a few years away, I can wait it out as I have plenty of practice at it now to see how this adventure unfolds.  


  1. planning your wedding?! what?? omg I need details!! :)

  2. Details to come as we get them sorted out :)
