Sunday, January 1, 2012


Why do some people seem to achieve success and others don't ? What sets them apart from the average person? Some might say they get all the breaks, they have all the luck. To a degree that is possible but I think its an individuals outlook on what they set out to do.  Their passion and there love of the project or hobby.  They have to believe fully that there is no failure, that they will achieve whatever they set to do.

All my life I get to a point and then self destruct and watch everything I built up collapse. For many years i couldn't understand why. Tonight I figured it out and the reason is simple .... I didn't have the tools to succeed because I couldn't commit myself to it. I was in the shell and working to hard to keep the real person hidden. It was doomed from the start and when looking at my failures I can now see the success in how far i got.

This begs the question what could I do now ..... How far can I take a concept and make it reality ?

Time will tell but I know the path I try will succeed because there will be no chance for it to fail.

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