Friday, March 30, 2012

Do I Pass !!!!

LOL the battle cry of the cross dresser and when i identified a number of years ago it made sense. Here's a few facts about CD's   .... 1) most will never leave the comfort of there own home. 2) most will dress in private 3) only 5 % will ever really go out in public and mostly at night in groups. 4) most are hetero sexual males.

They are mostly concerned with there appearance and how closely do they look like women out on the town. They rarely work on anything above appearance and those out in public love the photo's  oh do they love the photo's.

It's also a place where transgenders test the waters. I've known a number of girls who have fully transitioned like myself but the question of do I pass is a trap you don't want to get into because it really doesn't matter. what matters is the fact that you're happy. I've seen girls stop because there voice isn't girly....  they are afraid of being in public or they don't look like the perfect barbie doll...... news for you  very few will much like natural women.

Fact .... Women come in all shape and sizes, they all have different voices from high to low and like women we all do to. My advise to you is work on the important factor ... who you are !!!  Style, mannerisms and such will come as you transition. Hormones will soften features and you will continue to change after surgery. You can all work with the voice .... just be your self and at the end of the day who cares if you pass .... the million dollar question is ..... Are you happy?

Be well

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Frustration in Vegas

First time back in Las Vegas post op and it was met with mixed results. On the business side it was a resounding success. I had a number of old distributors remember weave of dreams, and the man who ran it. Shocked was the theme of the day....but it explained why the website went dark for a few years. All the old accounts we're reset up and we are a go with some new ones as well .... Next year we will be in a position to buy show specials.

I had a great night with fuzz and dee homemade lasagna and chatting on the porch was nice :) . Like the group on imvu they are just as they are online. When I come out in July we will have to get together again. My frustration came with my time alone, I made myself go out and in a city of millions it's hard to feel alone.

The committee in my head started in on me early on Tuesday as I kept watching women interact easily. I started to feel insecure and wonder what was wrong with me. I went shopping and found that it just got worse for me as I realized I had no clue what I want my style to be. I felt out of place in every store I went into.  The day went on and I had to stop and breathe and gather myself. Style wise I have to learn all over again, try different things and be daring. If I don't then it's my loss and I can only blame myself.

I keep my gut because it's a shield, I don't dress up or wear much make up because it's a shield. I'm probably one of the most introverted extroverts you'll ever meet. I sat down had a frozen yogurt and calmed. Turned around walked into Fredericks of Hollywood and purchased a classy little black dress and something else... And shipped a few other stores.

I refuse to be bullied by myself, women come in all shapes and sizes and I will find out my style. I've only had 4 years at this and that's not a long time. My guy will be gone those last 40 pounds history soon :) I'm not going to run and hide because it's not me.

Be well

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Holy Crap I'm 40

Can't believe it right now, but the calendar does not lie.... the question is now what and how will I react. Medb has always said that a woman hits her stride in her 40's or do I go the guy root and buy a sportscar lol. 
I think hitting my stride will be in the cards really it will all be in how I choose to look at it. Like the song  Every one is free to wear sunscreen says " Some of the most interesting 40 year old I know still don't "

I do know what I want to do .... it will just take a decade to get my doctorate :) . Ever since I started to figure out who I am I've noticed some small changes in the way I look at myself. When I see this goal I've started to say I'm smart enough to achieve this goal. I can do this and need to do this for myself and no one else.  I'm trying hard to break the self abuse and self destruction and empower myself knowing I can be successful in anything I choose to do. 

I'm a very strong person and have survived what many couldn't even fathom doing. I'm a survivor, a fighter and capable of anything I choose to accomplish. I am who I choose to be and really age doesn't mean much to me because I've only truly started to live and I have a promise to keep to medb when I hit 80. The coming year I've set out a few goals for myself to achieve ... 1) prepare for college and get ready for my studies 2) find a profession I love and do it while studying  3) learn a martial art 4) lose those last few pounds and not let my fear rule me on that. 5) most importantly enjoy those friends and family who love me for me .... and let go of the past its for the best.

Ty for those who read these and till next post 

Be Well 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sexual Identity

I awoke the other night from a very bad dream that had been triggered by a combination of being flirted with online and in real life at work. A few years ago I had an altercation with a customer who had taken an interest in me and had tried to flirt with me at the counter. I was polite with him and he left to go to the till, while he was there he was told by the bagger that I had use to be male.... embarrassed he stormed back from the line and yelling at the top of his lung what he was going to me. He got within 15 feet of the kiosk when Kelly who was with security put him to the ground stopping him.  That day everything changed for me and I let it change me.

Before this moment I had always worn make up and did my best on it always changing it up. I also lightly flirted with some people, Kelly had been one. He was married and I was engaged so there was no harm and I had looked at it as a good way to interact being female. After the incident Kelly had learned the truth of my past and couldn't or wouldn't look me in the eye. The guy had scared me badly and I figured I was as much to blame. Over the next few months I stopped wearing much if any make up at all and did my very best to look as plain as possible and just fade into the background again.

The dream has haunted me a number of times over the years with different results buy always with him not being stopped.... When I came back to Vancouver I tried to go back to wearing more make up and start fresh. I went out to Vegas I had decided to relax a little. I had Jazzy and Rachel there so I would be safe. The night we went out I did a killer job on my make up and later in the evening I did have encounter while they were on the dance floor. I felt his hand grab my ass first then his words about what he wanted to do with my ass. I stiffened and wanted to run but had to deal with it by claiming I would rather have the women on the dance floor making him back off.

Again when I came home I just went back to old habits and back to the same pattern. Fast forward to a few weeks ago I decided to get my nails done and went with a strong color on the tips instead of white. Went to work made up and some mall employee has now asked if I was single... Thankfully they said I had a fiancee and with being flirted with online caused me to go back into a panic.

You can say that all these things are not my fault and you know you would be wrong....  These are caused by others reactions to me and how I look and present myself. What I have done is allow others to change me and allow me to hide form something I do not understand and have not accepted.... my sexual identity.
I love wearing make up and have always been a natural flirt, its just me. I can't change my medical condition but it doesn't make me any less a woman. Hiding behind an excuse of not wanting to hurt someone or cause a similar incident is really only hurting me. I have to deal with my own sexual fears, and find that side of me.... or else I just rob me of myself and I refuse to allow that.

Till next post

Be Well all

Friday, March 9, 2012

Gamer Girl

For a long time I've played video games, mostly to escape and mostly alone. With the rare exception of lotro or guild wars I stayed away from online.

Years ago I did play unreal tournament an online fps but lost the desire to play once things started to open up for me in 2003 and I began to explore my gender.

Gotham city impostors caught my eye on the silliness of the game .... And what the hell I have all the systems so I tried it. Assuming my nick lady jys I picked up the controller and proceeded to get schooled.

A week later and a string of pain filled nights later I am getting better .... Able to hold my own and not feel useless. Now a few days later I find that I've been getting friend requests because I'm a female gamer. It's not something I've had to deal with .... being perceived as needing to be protected when some players go looking for an easy kill or being randomly flirted with.

I don't handle male attention well, it makes me want to run and hide in real and I'm finding it in the virtual world as well. So the question becomes do I turn off the online game and just go back to hiding alone .... Or learn to confront it?

Yeah welcome to my silly life ....

Till next post
Be Well

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Whats In A Name ???

Alot actually lol :)   I've learned that all to well over the years and today was no different. After a weeks of waiting I got an email for my business name application back and my first choice deWinter Enterprises had been taken by someone else . Not wishing to ask for permission and delaying the process I asked for them to move to my second choice Weave of Dreams Enterprises. A take on my old web site and the name had been strong in the past.

I was told that it would take till Monday to be searched. Well an hour later I got the confirmation that the name was mine again. Like a phoenix it had risen from the ashes and was ready to go again. The funny thing is it feels right and familiar but new waiting for kara's touch ... what will I bring to it.

It's a start right now. One that will require a lot of work and love to blossom into what I want it to be. It will be mine and it will be successful because .... its my dream :)  Next step Registration and Import number and the major step my business plan :)  ... now wheres my notes?

Till next post

Be Well