Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's what you make it

I sat today resting my legs as they hurt so much, taking some time for me and not really caring if I sold anything. I had some time to reflect on something someone said to me while in Montreal. That I didn't really have a tough transition.

No I didn't and I'll tell you why.... I took it and made it what I wanted. A chance to grow up in a new way. I made mistakes, and learned from them. I learned how to let other grieve and transition with you. I learned what happen when you force changes on others. I learned that while you lose some you gain some. I learned that when you look at it , its something we should all do in one form or another. You choose to make it easy or hard its as simple as that.

If you piss and moan about it, you give that out. If you look at it as new and exciting you get that. Yes the laws are stacked against us, and we have so many hoops to jump threw and its hard. Anything worth while in life is hard and in the end you will become what you put into it. When I lie for my surgery next month it will be 1 month short of 3 years... and I really wouldn't have it any other way.

If you're reading this and thinking of transitioning, or questioning take to heart that it will be what you make it. The surgery should you choose this path is just a step, and what you're really doing is making a healthy life change so make it a good one.

Be Well

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