Sunday, August 21, 2011

Odd Week

I can say this was an emotional and odd week for myself. I had finally got to spend some real time with my mom. Met her new friend Freida and for the first time in a long time, someone I couldn't read.

The break down on friday was hard but by saturday I was over it. Better then I would have been a few years ago. Medb and I spoke last night about what I will do during my break and heal up time... What hobby can take up some time.
Again I find myself staring at a blank wall.

What do I wish to do, to try and expand my experiences. I know I can't just play games or dev on IMVU because ill be bored in a week. My fall back work will not be an option.... Do I try to draw again, knit, something else? I've ruled out bungee jumping till next year, so I've got one thing off a list.

Time will tell I'm sure.... Well better get selling now

Be well

1 comment:

  1. *snerks at the idea of Kara bungee jumping ever ... nevermind so soon after a major surgery*
