Thursday, July 12, 2012

Then It Was Done

I glanced at the clock last Saturday and it read 5:02pm and every few minutes the clock would move a bit. Time was moving like the last hour before summer vacation , and for me it really was.  The last hour crept along as i tried to keep myself busy, and then it was all over. Cash counted, phones recorded and my keys turned over to Prabh, I was done with Glentel and cell phones forever. Two long five year tour of duties came to a close. 

The question is now what .......  SUMMER VACATION !!!!!! and why not I've been working full time now for over 28 years of my life and really I'm burnt out. As Ferris said " If you don't stop and look around once in awhile you'll miss it. "  It's time to relax and just be for a bit before my next chapter in my life. The first few days were a shock but Medb has made them special.  Sushi one day with coldstones right after, cooking dinner for the family and I even managed to decorate my comic room on imvu. 

Today was the day that means the most to me. At 3:00pm I stood at student services at the University of the Fraser Valley and got an appointment to start my education... July 17th at 1:30pm will set my checklist and start me down the path towards my doctorate in psychology.

What else does my summer include ..... A trip to Vegas next week for cosmoproof and setting up the make up line. a lot of time with Medb and just being free and a trip back to Alberta to take care of my birth certificate, Other then that not a whole lot, but I'm going to savor the full 8 weeks and just enjoy life. Get to know myself and enjoy everything life has to offer.

Thank you Angel

till next time

Be Well

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